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Isnin, 16 Jun 2008

Monday Blues...

As usual, i hate M.O.N.D.A.Y!! Malas nak update apa-apa. Tengah penat. Tapi sibuk melayan chatters di YM. 10.30pm nak tidur. FULLSTOP!!

Later la i update okehh??!

1 ulasan:

  1. I definetly agree with this blog post, Another tip I have is to really contibute to the blogpost itself, meaning that your comment is en extension of the bloggers post an addition that enhances the bloggers post even more. If you really like a blogger and hang on a particular blog very frequently, then if you think something is missing or want to add to the post, add your own knowledge and even if you dont have the knowledge try to Google it up and enrich yourself and bring in your new knowledge to the blog in question. This way hopefully you learn something new and also the blogger learn something new, it becomes a 2 way street where you learn something from the blogger and the blogger learn something from you. Interactivity when it is best!

    I would like to add (to compliment the spelling tip) that punctuation is important. Some people seem to believe that commas and periods are optional, and they choose to write paragraph-long comments in one run-on sentence. Once I realize that I am going to have to insert my own periods into the comment, I immediately stop reading and disregard anything that poster has to say.

    Also, while I’m on that note, the Caps Lock key still needs to be discovered by some. It’s a fair point. If your blog is a personal thing then it’s only right that our comments have personality to them. After all, personallity is what makes reading blogs interesting.

    I agree with you totally about good blog comments. I also think writing good blog comments also encourages the blogger to continue writing blog entries. When no one comments in your blog or in a particular blog post, you can’t help but wonder “did this blog post even grab anyone’s interest?”.

    While I personally do not have a blog, I know how I would feel about blog comments if I did have one.

    Even though this is about “Blog comments” it still is the same principal for everything. It either being a blog, forum, review etc.

    I agree with you, I think it is wrong for people to leave comments which have no meaning to them and are just cruel. When I leave comments, even if it’s negative I always make sure it’s constructive criticism.

    Yes, it is a good idea to leave a good comment. I personally love comments, because it helps me improve in the future. Instead of telling me I suck, or telling Chris he sucks, tell people what needs to improve, and what you didn’t like about what that person said. Commenting is a good way to get you opinion out in the open, and let the maker of the content know what needs to be fixed.

    - Abang Boss


Do you want to comment or critic? Sure i don't mind. Thanx anyway...

Salam Kenal

Ramai yang baru menjadi rakan saya di muka buku sejak akhir-akhir ini. Jadi izinkan saya untuk perkenalkan diri. Hai, saya Syima atau senang...